Keep Your Lamp Filled! Use oil to stay lit!

An oil lamp can’t light a room if it is out of oil.

You can’t be a light in this world if you are “out of oil”.

Keep your lamp filled!

Especially if you are caring for dependents, old or young, it is critical to watch your own health - keep your lamp filled! A major key in maintaining a well-rounded lifestyle is protecting your physical health. Essential oils can be incorporated into that in many different ways.

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Meal Planning and Prep

Here are some tips and tricks I've learned along the way:

  • Have some basic tools on hand: a cutting board, a sharp knife, some glass bakeware, cookie sheets, some good pots and pans, some strainers, a veggie steamer that sits in a pot, A GARLIC PRESS!!, a splatter screen for when you put things in hot oil - this will save you lots of clean up, ohhh and a veggie chopper - allows you to chop onions without crying and may or may not help you take out the days anger on an onion (I have to laugh - we lived with a family when we were first married, in their mother-in-law suite… they always knew when I was chopping onions!) Having the tools you will need makes it much less stressful and daunting.

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Beauty In Imperfections

I had no clue about Wabi-sabi until I googled “imperfect nature” in a quest to illustrate to my daughter that things can be beautiful even if they aren’t perfect. In my searching, I discovered Wabi-sabi, a Japanese worldview based on the concept that emphasizes finding beauty in imperfection.

Picture this. My daughter and I were sitting at the table and I had given her a matching letters activity. Her job was to find the matching letter, I would put down some glue, and she would stick on the matching letter. Several times after sticking the matching letter on the page, she started crying and exclaiming, “No, it’s not perfect, I want it to be perfect”.

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Can you strengthen your immune system?

The narrative of the time has been for people to


And although we have been surprised by how many people do not wash their hands on a regular basis, I believe we need other tools and strategies to understand and help support and strengthen our immune system.

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You aren't crazy!

You aren’t crazy! Many of us are feeling a little crazy right now. Listen as a great friend and counselor explains why you might be feeling “off” emotionally and physically! Is it triggering past loss? betrayal? grief? trauma?

“ Almost all trauma occurs under a certain set of circumstances. Victims are unable to escape. The circumstances or perpetrator invoke(s) fear in the victim. There is a power struggle that the victim loses – against another person, system, or nature. At some level, a betrayal occurs (I’ll have to explain that one in another blog!).

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Are you a control freak?

Do you know this scenario?!? If you are a parent I’m sure you do! The battle of the wills!

I have had the pleasure of giving births to three very strong willed children. They express their desires and ‘non-negotiables” very differently but nonetheless, I have been in this situation MANY, MANY times!

I have also been the little girl. Daily! I have a very strong will. I set expectations about the day or the outcome and I am VERY frustrated when I don’t “get my way”.

You too?

Your kids too?

Your partner too?

Your parents too?

Your “_______________” (fill in the blank) TOO!?!!?!

What do you expect!?!?

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Meet Elizabeth Ruth- mom, teacher, wellness coach, marketing

Tell us your top 3 favorite essential oils.

OnGuard, Tamer, Adaptiv and all of the citrus oils because I can't just stick to 3!

Describe your favorite wellness routine:

With three under 8 at home and a full plate of schedules, I have to be incredibly intentional when it comes to self-care.

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Meet Bobby Davis, holistic financial coach

Looking for a safe place to get business and financial advice while also being protected for your future? Meet Bobby Davis!

(Does his wife look familiar?! haha! It’s Kari, founder of! Bobby has been her financial advisor since 2018 and has helped her protect and grow her business and finances immensely! You know she would not add Bobby to this page if he wasn’t a great advisor and great educator for a full financial plan!!)

We have had the honor or hearing more about Bobby Davis. Read our interview here to learn more for yourself:

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What is behind each bottle of essential oil?

If you want to know why so many people are so loyal to doTERRA, it is because of the oils!

The farmers, safe sourcing, purity, efficacy, global impact and sustainability!

Have you witnessed the “Behind the Bottle” series?

DōTERRA has put out these high quality videos that show the work that goes into each bottle of oil. You see the places and faces who deliver these gifts.

Check them out on youtube. Here are a few:

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Mom Dreams

So often, we live lives of numbing.

It’s no wonder moms are typically left speechless when asked “What do you dream about doing with your days?”.

I recently sat (kid free) with my dear girl friend and the topic of the future landed in our laps. She and I are both at a point in life where our full time job includes raising littles. I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass us by. I simply asked her, “What do you dream about doing? What feels life giving to you?”.

She paused.

A long pause.

“I don’t know, I can’t remember the last time I thought about it,” she said.

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Meet Jennifer Khosla, Lean and Green Body

Please introduce yourself and your business to our community at THE WELL.

Hi!! I’m Jennifer Khosla, founder and CEO of Lean and Green Body®. I’m a Mind Body Wellness Practitioner and a Holistic Nutrition Specialist. My goal with Lean and Green Body® is to help my clients discover how amazing their bodies are designed to feel. I specialize in yoga, personal training and nutrition, and love the idea of treating the whole body.

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Mom, please slow down!

How many times has your little one asked you to slow down?

My poor kids. I am a power walker. It’s just how I grocery shop and walk to the car. I forgot when they were small that their little legs couldn’t keep up. Bless their little hearts. How they endured me, I’ll never know.

I sure wish I would have listened.

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Are you in the "grief club"?


Grief is an enemy and a friend. That is why when you have experienced extreme grief you feel connected to others who have as well. You feel part of the same “club”.

This “grief club” knows that grief is like a torturous villain that surprises you with his presence. When you least expect it fills your heart with so much pain you feel like you could die.

This “grief club” knows that grief is like riding a roller coaster in the dark. You don’t know when you’re going to go up and then plummet down without warning.

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How are you REALLY doing right now?

How are you doing?

We are so united as a human race right now! I can safely say every single person has just had their life altered in some way!

How are you doing?

No, how are you REALLY doing?

Are you so busy taking care of so many people that you have forgotten to take care of the basics? We all need to take care of ourselves if we are to get through this time of intense trial healthy and with our relationships in tact.

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Is the essential oil lifestyle right for you?


Do you believe in the products you buy?

You can continue buying conventional products.

But every time you purchase a product you vote with the money you give away.

So ask yourself….

Do you ever get headaches from synthetic perfumes and air fresheners?

Do you feel uneasy when a family member gets sick and you don’t have a “go to” that you feel good about?

What are the side effects of those conventional products?

Do your conventional products really even work?

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