Sandra Daher- mom, wellness advocate, coach

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Tell us your top 3 favorite essential oils.


Wild orange


Describe your favorite wellness routine:

Getting up at 5am

Moving my body 

Applying oils

Starting diffuser 


Prayer and journaling 

What advice would you tell your 10 year younger self?.

Don’t care about pleasing others. Don’t care about what others think about what you are doing. If it fills you up and gives you joy do it..if it serves others in a positive way do it.

Act on your dreams now!!!!

Do not get too busy...your kids will grow and you will wish this time back. The days are long but the years are short. Say yes to cuddle. Say yes to bedtime tucking in. Say yes to playing. Say yes to kissing boo boos. Say yes. Or you will forget the last time they asked

What's your WHY for striving towards health and wellness?

To have an impact on women who are lost in motherhood and have forgotten what lights them up

To show my kids to go for it and to dream big

To have time and financial freedoms

Who are 2-3 people you look up to in life, and why?

-My mom

She raised us as a single mom and somehow instilled a strength I never knew I had till I had to use it in my own challenges

-Kari my best friend

She has shown me how not to be afraid to have a voice in faith and for my heart

-My grandma 

She lived to serve her family wirh so much love and taught me the meaning of coming around a table for mealtime. The important of connecting as a family. The importance of supporting one another during our successes and failures. 

  What topics do you like to teach/coach to others?

I love helping others organize their calender with time blocking. I love helping others see their potential and how to find their zone of genius. Love helping develop daily routine with oils and self care. I love teaching about the top ten oils basics class

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