How are you REALLY doing right now?
How are you doing?
We are so united as a human race right now! I can safely say every single person has just had their life altered in some way!
How are you doing?
No, how are you REALLY doing?
Are you so busy taking care of so many people that you have forgotten to take care of the basics? We all need to take care of ourselves if we are to get through this time of intense trial healthy and with our relationships in tact.
Here are a few helpful tips and tools from us at
Find 20 minutes to rest
The stress and worry of this time is doing more to your body than we know right now. The concern for our world, for business owners, for those who are sick and the fear that we will get sick is in our minds even when we are not consciously thinking about it. Take 10 minutes to lay down, listen to music, pray, clear your mind, use calming oils, cry, hold your child or mom, and stay in a place of gratitude for all good things that happened today. TIP: ADAPTIV, the new oil and supplement “chill pill” is such an effective tool right now!!!
2. Diffuse doTERRA essential oils everyday!
Here are some of my favorite go-to diffuser blends that will not only boost immunity in the home, but also help with emotions running high.
3-5 drops in one of DOTERRA’s diffusers does the trick. There are also great diffusers on Amazon. The oils are the vital part!
3. Boost your immune system by taking care of your body as a whole.
Emotional oil, the Adaptiv line, and the Onguard line of doTERRA’s products make such a huge impact on your holistic wellness. If you don’t know how to use these effectively, please reach out!
3. Take this time to learn! Join us in Kari’s Classroom for virtual classes during this time!
4.Share doTERRA with someone you love!
These essential oils are gifts to us! Many people still don’t have them in their lives, though! This week only certain enrollment kits are 20% off! Email if you have someone interested and don’t know how they move forward and we’ll help you!
PS. If you are home with kids right now and are losing your mind go to Us moms need to stick together!!
The whole purpose of THE WELL is for connection and community! Visit our site for the blog posts often. We are
Better Together
And fill out the quiz at This will help us here at The Well connect you with programs and people who would be great encouragement to you!
Kari Turner Davis is a Holistic Life Coach and dōTERRA Essential Oils Educator. A dōTERRA Diamond leader, Kari is passionate about empowering women with the tools they need to reach financial freedom while educating moms to embrace the idea of a natural and non-toxic lifestyle. Kari and her husband, Bobby, live in Naples, Florida with their combined five children. They enjoy boating, spending time together as a family and creating an enjoyable lifestyle that revolves around filling up your tank to serve others in a higher capacity.