Checking In When You are Shut In

I’m feeling the need to check in with you!! How are you doing!?!? Are you checking in with yourself each day?!? I”m concerned for you all!!

We are a few days into a semi-quarantined state. COVID19 has landed on our globe. Kids are going to doing virtual school and will be home full time. We aren’t going out.

We aren’t going to sports.

I have to do my own grocery shopping and not order them to be delivered. (torture, am I right?!?)

I can’t hire a babysitter.

This is just like the difficult and sometimes miserable old days when I was a stay at home mom.

Yep, I said it.

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Let Go to Recharge

Let go of control and do what you need to recharge!

Don’t think for one second that I am not pinching myself in gratitude that this is where I live. I have chosen to live in Florida because I learned as a very young adult that I had to be in the sunshine in order for me to thrive. I went back to college in Cleveland Ohio and really struggled in the winter when I didn’t see the sun. I knew at age 20 that I had to design a life that I loved and moved to Florida. I promised myself that I would always appreciate the palm trees and the sunshine. 

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"Picking Up the Pieces" January Must Haves

Back-to-School brings “all the things!”

From new shoes to new backpacks and new teachers to new friends.

From new schedules to new routines and new classrooms to new teachers.

And, as much as this “newness” can bring about all kinds of emotions for our kids, it can do the same for us, too, as their Mom!

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Feeling Stuck

Stuck in your life?   There’s no movement, there’s no momentum. And I’ve been feeling it.

I want to go through what I’ve been feeling and how I pull myself out of it.

First, this will have to be consistent behavior that’s chosen, so that it can become habit.  When it becomes a consistent behavior of choosing to have the right mindset about being stuck, then it automatically becomes habit.

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Financial Freedom and the Power of Passion

This post is for you!

Yes, YOU!

Believe it or not, you can have financial freedom.

Why do we think that financial health just means we need to make more money?

Maybe you have chosen a career that does not typically pay well. Maybe you didn’t grow up in a household that taught financial freedom is possible. Did you grow up with financial stress as a constant topic of discussion? Have you lived paycheck to paycheck your whole life? Does financial strain feel like the norm and the stress feel comfortable? Do you think people who have financial health are either lucky or selfish somehow?

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Brain Dump and Eat Your Frog

Eat your frog? Say what?!

I know … sounds crazy, right? Frogs are gross! I avoid them in Southwest Florida at all costs!

Here is a little tip, though, for a highly productive day!

Before you go to bed, sit and make a list of EVERYTHING you have to do the next day. This is called a “brain dump”! When these items are on the paper, they don’t need to consume your thoughts anymore. You are free to rest and leave them for tomorrow. Include action items needed for the household, your job, appointments to make, errands to run, all of it!

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Comparison is a Thief

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Others are saying it.

Others are doing it.

But, they aren’t part of your tribe.

They aren’t serving your people.

Only YOU can do that!

Why did you start your business? I’m guessing that there was a little voice inside that said, “This is it. This is what you’ve been waiting for.” It resounded deep in your heart. It measured up. It aligned fully to your heart of service, your belief in what makes life make sense. You knew you wanted to share or serve or teach because you had to do this work. You could never stop because every other thing would feel empty in comparison. You would do it even if you didn’t get paid! You love it deep in your bones.

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Fall into Wellness with Healthy Swaps this Season

Despite living in Florida, I LOVE fall.

I miss the changing colors of the trees up north but as soon as the temperatures dip below 80 degrees here in Southwest Florida, I am ready for all things pumpkin! I love the smell of cinnamon and putting out pumpkins. Planning the kids’ Halloween costumes and dreaming of all the happy holiday memories to come in the next few months.

But, even with the joys that pumpkins and spice can bring, it never fails …

As soon as we diffuse our favorite fall oils and haul out the pumpkin decorations, cold and flu season comes looming right around the corner.

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My Story: From Food Fixation to Wellness Revival

I can remember a day back to pre 6th grade when I was standing in my childhood home kitchen, no one else was around.

I took two cookies from the pantry.

They were the generic white ones with the creme in the middle and I was about to head up to my room. Before I could make it to the stairs, I thought maybe I should dip the cookies in the Betty Crocker can of frosting in the pantry. You know, because cookies aren’t sweet enough on their own.

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How to Talk About SIBO (or IBS) With Friends, Family, and Strangers

I can vividly remember the sheer relief I felt when I got the results of my lactulose breath test back that revealed I had Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).

After two years of seeing more specialists than I could count, I was so glad to have a name behind a lot of the symptoms that ailed me (which I still ended up being wrong about, but that’s another blog for another time). Only people that have been searching endlessly for answers about their health can fully understand what I am talking about.

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The Three Biggest Takeaways from dōTERRA's 2019 Together Convention

A few years ago, I started using essential oils with the hope that there was a natural solution available to support my kids with their health.

Over the last four conventions, my hope increased. I learned all I could about the product. The way essential oils work to support our bodies naturally, the research dōTERRA’s founders focused on and our sourcing concepts.

Convention was a wealth of information that grew my hope.

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How to Help Your Children with Back-to-School Anxieties

I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to forget the sound.

On the night before school started, my sweet 8-year-old was hysterically crying about not knowing what was happening to her body.

For the third time this summer, she was dealing with an anxiety attack. Just the thought of it alone brings me to tears.

She’s active.
She’s adventurous.
She loves learning.
She loves her friends even more.

So, why on earth was she on the brink of completely losing herself with worry over going back to school the next day?

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