Fall into Wellness with Healthy Swaps this Season

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Despite living in Florida, I LOVE fall.

I miss the changing colors of the trees up north but as soon as the temperatures dip below 80 degrees here in Southwest Florida, I am ready for all things pumpkin! I love the smell of cinnamon and putting out pumpkins. Planning the kids’ Halloween costumes and dreaming of all the happy holiday memories to come in the next few months.

But, even with the joys that pumpkins and spice can bring, it never fails …

As soon as we diffuse our favorite fall oils and haul out the pumpkin decorations, cold and flu season comes looming right around the corner.

It can really put a damper on the heightened joy around the festivities.


Swap fall candles with essential oils.

I know it is so so tempting to pick up every fall scented candle, but please don’t get your fall scents from chemicals! Get the real deal! Diffusing pure essential oils not only gives you the fall scents, but, it is proactive for your brain function and even boosts your immune system at the same time!

My favorite all-year-long blend is dōTERRA On Guard and because it contains clove, cinnamon, and wild orange, it is absolutely perfect for this time of year. On Guard keeps germs away and makes the house smell so warm and cozy! Keep an eye out for November 1st … all of dōTERRA’s holiday products are released and you won’t want to miss this year’s line-up!

Swap flu reaction with flu prevention.

While On Guard is diffusing, don’t forget to put it in and on your body for immune support! Use the On Guard touch roller ball each morning and night to keep bad germs away. The diluted roller ball is great fo the kids but is potent enough for adults, too.

Bring the hand sanitizer spray to the store with you to spray the germ-ladened cart! Feel confident that the bad germs will stay away and you’re not wasting a sheet of sanitizer at the store.

Take 2-3 On Guard + a day if you feel like you are coming down with something. Amazingly, these oils work with your body to boost your health.

Be proactive this fall by using this oil in all its different forms. Remember, frequency over quantity for the best result!

Swap couch sessions with movement.

While rest is essential to your health, remember to keep moving this fall! Stay on top of the stress this season by flooding your brain with the right endorphins. Take a brisk walk, ride your bike, or head to your favorite gym session. Every single day! It’s that important. Even if it is just for 20 minutes. Use Motivate or Peppermint oil - just a drop in your hands and a deep inhale to give you a boost of energy to get up and go! You will likely be eating extra calories these next few months, so start moving now to stay ahead of the game!

Wishing you healthy choices this fall!

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Kari Turner Davis is a Holistic Life Coach and dōTERRA Essential Oils Educator. Recently named a dōTERRA Diamond leader, Kari is passionate about empowering women with the tools they need to reach financial freedom while educating moms to embrace the idea of a natural and non-toxic lifestyle. Kari and her husband, Bobby, live in Naples, Florida with their combined five children. They enjoy boating, spending time together as a family and creating an enjoyable lifestyle that revolves around filling up your tank to serve others in a higher capacity.