The Three Biggest Takeaways from dōTERRA's 2019 Together Convention

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A few years ago, I started using essential oils with the hope that there was a natural solution available to support my kids with their health.

Over the last four conventions, my hope increased. I learned all I could about the product. The way essential oils work to support our bodies naturally, the research dōTERRA’s founders focused on and our sourcing concepts.

Convention was a wealth of information that grew my hope.

Eventually, that hope became belief.

And, after this year’s convention? I’m ready to take action on my belief. Take action in educating, empowering and encouraging people everywhere that oils are not only needed in every home, but that they are the answer to so many desperate prayers.

This year, one of the biggest announcements made is the future opening at the Saint Elizabeth Hospital. The entire first floor will be dedicated to being an integrated oncology center. An Oncologist spoke at convention and the biggest thing he shared? That the way we combat cancer cells now is by pushing poison into bodies and essentially killing his patients back to health. But, now, his focus? You come to this new hospital to do good things to the body so that you can reserve the really tough and toxic things for when you really need them.

Powerful, isn’t it?

Something else to consider … The FDA limits how much the owners of dōTERRA can say when it comes to medical claims and using essential oils. We, as a company, can’t talk about what the oils specifically do to the body or how they can help heal certain ailments. But, now that doctors are coming aboard the mission? dōTERRA advocates don’t need to say anything specific because they’re vouching for us.

This, above everything else, is justification that my switch from hope to belief was right.

It was hard to stay focused at Convention, to be honest. And, truthfully, this just confirmed that I’m ready to get to work. Ready to take action on my belief and create hope for the future of so many desperate people in the world.

The early adopters of dōTERRA taught amazing essential oil information over the last ten years. But, we, as the next generation of dōTERRA, are missioned to be the encouragers. To be the voice behind the solution for the people looking for answered prayers. Now that we have such a strong foundation with what dōTERRA’s accomplished over the last ten years, we have nothing but room for growth. To be part of this convention felt like I was part of a natural integrated medicine summit rather than an MLM company get-together. I knew we were on to something big years ago when I found essential oils because God doesn’t make mistakes when it comes to providing His people with resources. But, I had no idea on the depths of which dōTERRA would go to take care of people in a better way and doctors would back it to this extreme.

I don’t have a medicinal bone in my body. I didn’t even know that the chemistry of essential oils would be this interesting to me. And, now, here we are as one of the front-leaders of this cause. We just need people to come with us. We need help educating. It’s such a big job and we’ve only just begun. This market is nowhere near saturated. Everyone needs them.

I’m ready to share the mission. Are you?

God doesn’t make mistakes. He provided all that we needed through His creation. We need to get back to the basics. Create homes that thrive in health and wellness before they become desperate when disease and illness and anxiety hit. There’s an epidemic here and dōTERRA’s just getting started.


We are in the business of selling a lifestyle.

Living a dōTERRA lifestyle means more than just using essential oils in your daily routine. It encompasses everything from self-care to nutrition and from fitness to creating a non-toxic home. This is where The Well comes in. The Well will show you the diversity of what we really teach. We already have the answer and the tools. We just have to educate and encourage how to apply.

“Pursue What’s Pure”

The new dōTERRA motto is “pursue what’s pure.” And, like I said above, that’s not just essential oils. It’s pure business practice. It’s pure love. It’s a beautiful story that so many need to hear. My goal as the leader of The Well Team? Let’s be the team that people think are incredibly nice. They smile at strangers. They make others feel like they’re worth something more than what our culture does. The Well Team hears others’ anxiety and stresses. They encourage moms who feel less than and provide solutions for the weary. The Well Team is the team that is pure oils, pure business, pure love and pure mission to the world. Pure of hearts at its best.

Share with everyone.

Now, hear me on this one. I don’t mean share with everyone in a salesy, desperate way. I mean share in a way that’s genuine and loving and kind. When your neighbor is sick? You provide the support. When your friend can’t move on from heartache? You provide the comfort. We, as a team, are focused on getting oils into every home. If a stranger was dehydrated and desperate for water, wouldn’t you give them water? This is no different. Oils provide the same powerful punch that water does. Don’t hold your solution back from those who need it.

To recap, I started this business with hope and created belief through my story. Now, it’s time for action. Building my dōTERRA team was never about money. It was never about hopping to the next fad. This mission is so far beyond that. A fad starts to teeter out right around this time of establishment and dōTERRA is booming with a bigger voice in healthcare.

dōTERRA is not just a company providing a business opportunity or sourcing oils in a unique way. As important as both of those missions are, it sounds small compared to the greater mission on how we take care of ourselves on the daily and how we can utilize natural solutions in the hospital setting.

Hitting Diamond rank in dōTERRA is a beautiful accomplishment and one that I’m incredibly proud of. I’m grateful for what it means for our team. But, at the end of the day, that’s not why I committed to dōTERRA. I committed because I know that these oil bottles provide thousands of solutions and answered prayers.

We, The Well Team, are a new way. A different way and we won’t stop until people know this gift.

There was an amazing story about how just one drop can make such a major impact with someone. I want to encourage you to carry a full oil bottle and just give people a drop.  There is nothing you put on your body that you can smell and experience in the powerhouse center of your brain that elicits such emotion and healing and connects you into such high frequency that these plants do in their most pure, potent form.  

No food that you eat.  Or syrups in your pantry. You do not have anything of higher quality in your home than your essential oils from dōTERRA international.  They are elite. We have them and we just half-heartedly drip and drop them. But, with only one drop alone, these powerhouses bring healing to those who need it most.

This isn’t us being empowered over nothing.

This is true empowerment.

We have something that the world needs.

And, I’m on a mission.

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Kari Turner Davis is a Holistic Life Coach and dōTERRA Essential Oils Educator. Recently named a dōTERRA Diamond leader, Kari is passionate about empowering women with the tools they need to reach financial freedom while educating moms to embrace the idea of a natural and non-toxic lifestyle. Kari and her husband, Bobby, live in Naples, Florida with their combined five children. They enjoy boating, spending time together as a family and creating an enjoyable lifestyle that revolves around filling up your tank to serve others in a higher capacity.