Posts tagged momentum
Brain Dump and Eat Your Frog

Eat your frog? Say what?!

I know … sounds crazy, right? Frogs are gross! I avoid them in Southwest Florida at all costs!

Here is a little tip, though, for a highly productive day!

Before you go to bed, sit and make a list of EVERYTHING you have to do the next day. This is called a “brain dump”! When these items are on the paper, they don’t need to consume your thoughts anymore. You are free to rest and leave them for tomorrow. Include action items needed for the household, your job, appointments to make, errands to run, all of it!

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Comparison is a Thief

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Others are saying it.

Others are doing it.

But, they aren’t part of your tribe.

They aren’t serving your people.

Only YOU can do that!

Why did you start your business? I’m guessing that there was a little voice inside that said, “This is it. This is what you’ve been waiting for.” It resounded deep in your heart. It measured up. It aligned fully to your heart of service, your belief in what makes life make sense. You knew you wanted to share or serve or teach because you had to do this work. You could never stop because every other thing would feel empty in comparison. You would do it even if you didn’t get paid! You love it deep in your bones.

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