Posts tagged productivity
Fall with Essential Oils

Fall is such a great time of the year!

Pumpkins and leaves and cooler air are my favorite! Even here in Florida we get in the fall spirit! (Please send me pictures of the leaves changing, though! I miss that so much!)

The downside of fall is the beginning of cold and flu season. So let’s arm ourselves and our homes with natural solutions.

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Brain Dump and Eat Your Frog

Eat your frog? Say what?!

I know … sounds crazy, right? Frogs are gross! I avoid them in Southwest Florida at all costs!

Here is a little tip, though, for a highly productive day!

Before you go to bed, sit and make a list of EVERYTHING you have to do the next day. This is called a “brain dump”! When these items are on the paper, they don’t need to consume your thoughts anymore. You are free to rest and leave them for tomorrow. Include action items needed for the household, your job, appointments to make, errands to run, all of it!

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