How to Build a Community During the Holidays

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The holidays provide a great excuse to get together with friends and family!

Many times, our get togethers are themed around food and drink. What we are really craving is relationship and feeling good, though! Let’s use the holiday season to move the needle towards wellness.


Have a self-care exchange.

Instead of a cookie exchange this holiday season, do a self-care exchange! Invite all of your best girlfriends or do a mother/daughter night. But, the catch? Don’t bring cookies to exchange, but products to rest and de-stress.

Have everyone bring a mud mask, hand or foot scrub, manicure/pedicure set, or makeup for a new holiday look. Check out the dōTERRA Blog ( for some great recipes to make these items using non-toxic essential oils! You will all leave feeling pampered and bonded instead of sugar-buzzed and caloried-out!

Make and take PUREfumes.

Do you know you can use your essential oils as perfumes? All natural, non-toxic PUREfumes are good for your emotional health and have physical benefits, too. Get together with friends and make your very own formulation.

The book “Emotions and Essential Oils” is a great reference to see how the essential oils can have a positive effect on your emotions. Wave the bottles together under your nose to see if you like the synergistic aroma and then put 5-10 drops of each in a roller for your own PUREfume.

Another great resource for making PUREfumes is “I Am Fabulous” by Desiree Mangandog. It’s fabulous for creating blends used for emotional wellness.

Provide support to those in need.

The holidays are very hard for some people. And, you may not even realize it. It could be someone you’re close to or someone you don’t know very well. Maybe they lost a loved one, have gone through a divorce recently, are struggling financially, or just feel alone this time of year because their family lives far away.

Let’s be kind friends this holiday season.

Check-in. Ask how your friends are doing. Have a single-parent friend and their children over for a holiday dinner. Ask a friend to go on weekly walks in your neighborhood. Have a friend over for coffee and offer them an essential oil blend for emotional support. The holidays are joyous times, but, also heighten the pain of loss and grief and loneliness.

Be a good friend and I pray someone does the same for you!

Wishing you great relationships and conversation this holiday season!

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Kari Turner Davis is a Holistic Life Coach and dōTERRA Essential Oils Educator. Recently named a dōTERRA Diamond leader, Kari is passionate about empowering women with the tools they need to reach financial freedom while educating moms to embrace the idea of a natural and non-toxic lifestyle. Kari and her husband, Bobby, live in Naples, Florida with their combined five children. They enjoy boating, spending time together as a family and creating an enjoyable lifestyle that revolves around filling up your tank to serve others in a higher capacity.