Let Go to Recharge
Let go of control and do what you need to recharge!
Don’t think for one second that I am not pinching myself in gratitude that this is where I live. I have chosen to live in Florida because I learned as a very young adult that I had to be in the sunshine in order for me to thrive. I went back to college in Cleveland Ohio and really struggled in the winter when I didn’t see the sun. I knew at age 20 that I had to design a life that I loved and moved to Florida. I promised myself that I would always appreciate the palm trees and the sunshine.
But I lost my vision.
I felt “stuck” in my home for most of my 20s and 30s.
I was stuck in the bondage that a perfect clean house was where I would get my identity. I didn’t take my babies to the beach because I didn’t want to clean the sand out of my car. I thought control and perfectionism made me a better mom. But instead I was feeling alone in my home and wasn’t teaching my kids to design a life that they love. It wasn’t doing things that filled my “self care cup” until my control failed me and I lost all control. Through miscarriages, through divorce of close family members, and finally after my husband and father of my three babies passed away suddenly I finally came to realization that NOTHING was in my control.
I couldn’t clean enough, I couldn’t read all the right parenting books, hide all the veggies in the dinner, organize enough closets to control my life or anyone else’s. It was there then I realized that life was going to pass me by. I begin to work out for my head instead of my weight. And I started to go to the beach again. I put miles on my tennis shoes and walked out my tears and anguish in the Florida sun.
“Self Care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you. ”
Self care is not selfish. Self-care is when you pause and fill your mind and your heart and your soul. It is quiet time where you can recognize how God made you and all of the gifts that he’s giving you. But you have to do it on purpose. You have to stop and contemplate how you were made to recharge.
Do you recharge at a park?
At the beach?
In the bathtub?
People watching at a coffee shop?
Playing an instrument or singing at the top of your lungs while dancing around your living room?
Also be mindful of the full mind/body/soul connection.
Here are some tips:
Make a list of 5 ways you can recharge your mind. (Reading, listening to podcasts, watching a documentary, talking with a trusted mentor or advisor)
Make a list of 5 ways you recharge your body. (Go for a walk or jog, get a massage with essential oils for your stress level, take a yoga class, dance in your kitchen, get your blood pumping and your endorphins flowing!)
Make a list of 5 ways you recharge your soul. (Listen to classical or worship music, call a trusted friend, journal, pray, diffuse emotion oils, go to a concert)
Where could you go today to relish God’s beauty, “be on vacation” in your mind and be mindful to do one thing in each area? Going for a walk on a beach with a podcast in my ears is my perfect mind/body/soul food. Find what yours is and do it!
Schedule it and go!!
By letting go of the control and taking care of yourself, you will serve so much more. You will have something to give. You have to fill up your cup to be able to pour it out again on those you love. Trust me, you will show up BIGGER. More whole. More filled. More “well”.
*** If you want help making your list, fill out the free quiz at thewellteam.com. Our team of coaches and mentors are waiting to help you!
Kari Turner Davis is a Holistic Life Coach and dōTERRA Essential Oils Educator. As a dōTERRA Diamond leader, Kari is passionate about empowering women with the tools they need to reach financial freedom while educating moms to embrace the idea of a natural and non-toxic lifestyle. Kari and her husband, Bobby, live in Naples, Florida with their combined five children. They enjoy boating, spending time together as a family and creating an enjoyable lifestyle that revolves around filling up your tank to serve others in a higher capacity.