In Episode 4 of the Find the Beauty Podcast Kim Harter, mental health counselor, shares why setting boundaries are so important especially when life gets derailed.
Read MoreHas your life been derailed? Have you lost yourself on life's roller coasters? Have you lost a relationship or struggling to maintain one? Are you having a hard time finding the beauty in your life? Do you want to learn how to dream again and life a life with intention? Welcome to the Find the Beauty Podcast!
Nutrigenomics can get science-geeky real fast, but I want to try to explain the importance of it and why we emphasize healthy lifestyle.
In short, it is the science of nutrition and how diet affects a person’s health based on their DNA and genomic response.
Read MoreWhen you hear the word LOVE, what do you think of!?!?
Your relationships? Your kids? Your partner? Sex? Dating? Sorrow for what hasn’t been expressed? Do YOU come up in your mind when it comes to love?!
Read MoreThe first tip to stay well at work is take care of yourself!
Lisa DePatie gives you tips to stay well through diet, exercise, rest and stress management, reducing toxic load and self care. Watch this video for her steps.
Read MoreThere is this brokenness that cuts at the deepest part of your soul.
Do you know the kind?
Its deafening.
Its like what it would feel like if someone broke your back against their knee. Breathless, horror, sorrow, pain, suffering, broken.
Read MoreHere you will find all of the recordings from all 5 sessions of the Stay Well Summit.
Send this post to a friend who missed it!
Read MoreThe holidays can feel threatening in many ways. You may feel the desire to put on a coat of armor and build a wall around your loved ones. Maybe your in-laws will be extra critical at family gatherings. Maybe your sister will make comments about the way you look or your Aunt Lolly will making cutting remarks about your parenting skills.
When people are together, hurt is possible and probable.
Don’t you hate when people tell you that? It sounds so simple and we are always breathing, right!?!?
Read MoreI hold to the assumption that every breathing person has endured a degree of betrayal and harm that not only damages our soul-heart, but also leaves us in the pit of shame.
If you have survived school recess or sport locker rooms or sorority induction, then you know the sting of being made to feel unworthy because of who you are. Sadly, too many of you have experienced betrayal from a father, mother, or spouse: being made to feel your body was wrong; routinely punished for not being “good enough”; discovering the one you made a lifelong vow to has given their body to another; feeling the weight of abuse as another body rapes you, punches you, locks you away, or threatens you.
Read MoreYou would never think the woman here is struggling, would you?
You would think this woman has it all together.
She is battling a silent disease.
She is weak, has vertigo often, shortness of breath, and seizure like spells. She rarely went out, could no longer drive, and had to make herself get off the coach. She couldn’t believe that she looked fine while feeling so awful.
Read MoreFall is such a great time of the year!
Pumpkins and leaves and cooler air are my favorite! Even here in Florida we get in the fall spirit! (Please send me pictures of the leaves changing, though! I miss that so much!)
The downside of fall is the beginning of cold and flu season. So let’s arm ourselves and our homes with natural solutions.
Read MoreI asked many people in THE WELL’s community and the consensus is “yes”. Our weight seems to define how we feel about ourselves. You said:
“The scale makes me feel horrible".
“I think about my weight all day long… when people are walking behind me, when I try on clothes, when I’m at my workout, all day long.”
“The number on the scale sets if I will feel good or bad about myself that day.”
“I’m obsessed with weighing myself.”
Read MoreSimple Steps to help with stress, anxious feelings and the pain that accompanies
Cavan Guenther, coach at, has tools for stress and pain that you may not have thought of.
Read MoreYour skin is your largest organ, what are you feeding it every day?
I just finished the essential oil certification that doTERRA has available. Here are some great facts from the course:
Every day we are exposed to dozens of synthetic chemicals.
Read MoreBack-to-School brings “all the things!”
From new shoes to new backpacks and new teachers to new friends.
From new schedules to new routines and new classrooms to new teachers.
And, as much as this “newness” can bring about all kinds of emotions for our kids, it can do the same for us, too, as their Mom!
Read MoreGrief.
Grief is an enemy and a friend. That is why when you have experienced extreme grief you feel connected to others who have as well. You feel part of the same “club”.
This “grief club” knows that grief is like a torturous villain that surprises you with his presence. When you least expect it fills your heart with so much pain you feel like you could die.
This “grief club” knows that grief is like riding a roller coaster in the dark. You don’t know when you’re going to go up and then plummet down without warning.
Read MoreI’m feeling the need to check in with you!! How are you doing!?!? Are you checking in with yourself each day?!? I”m concerned for you all!!
We are a few days into a semi-quarantined state. COVID19 has landed on our globe. Kids are going to doing virtual school and will be home full time. We aren’t going out.
We aren’t going to sports.
I have to do my own grocery shopping and not order them to be delivered. (torture, am I right?!?)
I can’t hire a babysitter.
This is just like the difficult and sometimes miserable old days when I was a stay at home mom.
Yep, I said it.
Read MoreNo matter what you think you are searching for, you will find it.
We, as humans, are complex creatures, yet, so simple. We think about complex things, yet we don’t look at the whole picture.
We dream AND we limit ourselves at the same time.
It is all possible … and probable.
Read MoreI can remember a day back to pre 6th grade when I was standing in my childhood home kitchen, no one else was around.
I took two cookies from the pantry.
They were the generic white ones with the creme in the middle and I was about to head up to my room. Before I could make it to the stairs, I thought maybe I should dip the cookies in the Betty Crocker can of frosting in the pantry. You know, because cookies aren’t sweet enough on their own.
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