Meet Lana Amawi, clinical therapist

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Please introduce yourself and your business to our community at THE WELL. 

Hello everyone, my name is Lana Amawi. For the past 25 years, I’ve been a Clinical Therapist and most recently a Certified Executive & Transition Coach. My passion is helping people move to the next level that they’ve been dreaming about! I believe in the formula SKILLSET + MINDSET = SUCCESS. I work with people from a variety of backgrounds, nationalities and career paths. The issues addressed can be personal, professional or both. My approach is very collaborative, we work together to unveil your hidden potential, creativity and thought process to create a win-win plan. Let take care of the overwhelm together!   

What makes you passionate about the essential oils and/or the goal of

Treating ourselves holistically is healthier than using a singular approach. In my opinion, essential oils is a wonderful compliment to life to help invigorate or relax the mindset into greater productivity. Goal of THE WELL TEAM: To add to the diversification of resources to women all around the world. There are so many wonderful specialists that add incredible value to the quality of life. TOGETHER WE CAN & TOGETHER WE WILL! What do you feel sets you apart from others in your industry especially during this time of global crisis?  Personal connection is so important during this time as many are feeling very isolated given the pandemic. I use the Zoom platform as video can be as effective as face-to-face. This is so important when establishing a new working relationship. During our time together we’ll set a consistent weekly or bi-monthly meetings plan to engage, brainstorm, and execute. My personal and professional experiences are unique, as many of my stories come from around the world. I have been privileged to work with those living abroad as they find their footing and most importantly their voice. Women truly do have incredible strength and sometimes just need to learn the “how”. 

We talk a lot about holistic wellness ( mind, body and heart) at  How does your work help people in these areas?

We have to have a better understanding of all three in order for them to work at optimal levels. They may be in conflict at times and need some extra strategies on how to move forward. Through learning, acceptance and motivation, one can move on with greater clarity and vision.  

How can people connect with you if they are in need of your goods or services?


Mobile/Text: +1 (248) 302-1074 

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HOW DO YOU GET RECOMMENDED BY THE WELL? seeks to connect our community with wellness resources that are safe and trusted! The coaches, practitioners, business owners, and personal brands that we recommend have been vetted by our team. They align with our vision to be advocates for wellness….. mind, body and soul. Everyone needs different tools, we will continue to find people to help you!

If you would like to be interviewed and possibly be recommended here, please fill this out and we will contact you!