My 5 Favorite Ways to Elevate My Health Right Now


Self care is beyond a manicure.

This simple list includes my favorite 5 things right now for movement, meal planning, skin, digestion and anti-aging.

I have been compounding healthy habits for years, but these are my favorites right now!

Healthy habits don't have to be difficult, they don't need to take a lot of time, and they can be fun!

  1. I am seeing the benefits of getting in 10K steps a day.  

    Your NEAT calories (those calories burned by the movements we make when we go about our daily business) make all of the difference- especially in peri/post menopause!  Get your steps on while you __________. What’s a creative way you could get steps in and enjoy it?

  2. Meal prepping to get in 100-150 grams of protein.  

    Getting your protein in won't happen on accident.  Spend some time following food prep Instagram accounts and collecting recipes to plan your eating for the day/ week!  @stayfitmom_krista is one of my favorites!

  3. Drink your tripeptide, bioavailable collagen every day before coffee.  

    I take my supplements at the same time and I'm getting in NAD+ too!  This helps my nails and hair and also works like an adrenal cocktail for me and has helped manage my stress and anxiety level!

  4. Castor Oil packs over my liver

    This has not only supported my liver but helps with digestion, bloating, sleep, inflammation, hormone balance and stress levels!  And it feels cozy to sleep!  I got mine at Queenofthethrones!

  5. Elevated skin care with guasha -

    paying close attention to my neck and decolletage.  Here are my favorite products!! 

Remember your wellness doesn't have to be difficult, but with consistency you will see massive improvements.  

I feel stronger, better digestion, less overwhelm, combatting aging and healthier overall!  Hope this helps!

Want more than just the cliff notes? Listen to episode 193 below, and if you find it helpful, please kindly leave a review and share it with a friend!

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