I See You, Mama

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I see you mama!!

The keeper of the secrets,

Knower of the family’s schedules

Seeker of all the missing things

The cook

Boo boo kisser

The emotion healer

The cheerleader

The one that believes in ALL things 💗

You work so hard every day on all the seen and unseen daily tasks.  

Some days are REALLY good and some days are a struggle and go on forever.

Some days laughter fills your home and your heart is so full. 

Other days there is SO much crying and whining it’s hard to bare. 

Some days the hustle and bustle fill your heart full of joy and other days there is so much to do you don’t even know where to start.

Some days you  beam with pride and think “how lucky you are!”. 

Other days you  struggle and ask why and how do you get through this?

I see you, mama! 

This work you do is priceless and so are you. 

You are worthy enough to care AND to love yourself. 

You are worthy to put yourself first…. it is not selfish…. it's selfless. 

When you care for you, you become better in your  mind, body, and spirit.  

Please stop listening to the voice that tells you’re not and listen to the one that tells you are worthy. 

Here are some helpful tips to start  the journey of caring for yourself.


Yup, it’s that easy.  Your mindset is the MOST powerful thing.  So decide that when you care for yourself you are BETTER…

-a better mom

-a better woman

-a better wife/partner!

2.Brain dump/make lists of all the things that are important to you. 

By doing this it allows you to empty your mind of all the things and excuses that are floating in there.  You will start to prioritize the most important things in your life. Next,  categorize each into one of these; 




and home. 

Finally, pick the top 3 things that have to get done.


After your list is made then schedule your days out weekly. 

The first thing that should be scheduled is your self care.  When it’s scheduled you will get it done!  (For more on scheduling and time block hit up my girl, Sandra Daher she’ll help you find  time in your day).

At www.sandradeewellness.com, Sandra will lead you through the “Better You Project” and will help you do this step by step!

4. Always set yourself up for success.

For example, set  your workout clothes out the night before, prep lunches and water bottles ahead of time.  Do  whatever you need to succeed.  

5 .Build on existing habits. 

For example if you drink coffee every morning have a glass of water before or at lunch take your supplements so you won't forget.  This way creating new healthy habits will not be overwhelming.

6.Finally, give yourself grace because there’s no destination, it’s a  journey. 

Day by day with small changes is a sustainable way to start new healthy habits...remember Rome wasn’t built in a day...

Join the Exclusive Well Community (The Well’s online wellness center) for help and mindset shifts and support! Go to the top of thewellteam.com to sign up!

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Michelle Eddy is a mom of 5 from Cleveland, Ohio. She leads a group to support moms that need support, to find their tribe, self care, and hope for caring for their children in a better way! She remembers moving to a new place and not having the support she craved when her children were little! Michelle runs the Facebook group “Moms Inspiring Moms” and is a wellness advocate with doTERRA essential oils. Find her on Facebook and join her group to be encouraged in your journey as a mom!