7 Signs You May Have Lost Yourself in Motherhood


Do you feel like you have lost yourself?

Forgot what you used to be like?

Forgot what you used to do all day before you were changing diapers, shuttling kids, making snacks, and overseeing homework?

Motherhood is undoubtedly a gift. While you can enjoy being a mom to your precious children, it’s easy to get so caught up in being a mom that you forget to take care of your needs.

Here are my 7 signs you may have lost yourself in motherhood:

  1. When people ask you how you are, you tell them how your kids are doing.

  2. The state of your home is the state of your wellbeing/happiness.

  3. Not having sitter is an excuse to not prioritize doing what you need to do for your well being... maybe a reason as well, but recharging is so important even if you have to pay for it!

  4. Your self care plan is unclear or non existent.

  5. You don’t remember the last time you were alone.

  6. You think your body belongs to your kids.

  7. You don’t remember who you used to be before being a mom.

The good news is ...

I have a very transformative digital course coming soon! The goal of the course will help you FIND YOU AGAIN!!

What does that mean? With my support, you will have opportunity to think about your purpose, your identity, your calling, and even how to feel filled up while doing ALL OF THE THINGS.

You can find yourself and be a good mom. 

xoxo, Love Kari

Want more than just the cliff notes? Listen to episode 175 below!

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