Hormone Health 101


Lahana Vigliano helps women find the root cause and balance their effects of hormones naturally!  In episode 191 we discuss:

  • How hormones affect you from day to day?

  • How you know if you have a hormone imbalance?

  • How does food impact our hormones?

  • What foods to avoid with hormone imbalances?

  • What foods are the best with hormone balance?

  • Will a detox help balance my hormones?

    Lahana Vigliano is the CEO + founder of Nuvitru Wellness and a board certified clinical nutritionist. She holds a Bachelor of Nutrition Science degree and Masters of Human Nutrition + Functional Medicine degree.  She is currently a doctorate student in clinical nutrition. She has so much passion in helping women realize that there is a root cause for their symptoms, even if they have been dismissed by healthcare before. Her company Nuvitru Wellness specializes in women's hormones and gut health and uses functional medicine lab testing to personalize the patient's journey. Goodbye DIY! She is obsessed with creating natural remedies, researching, reading romance books, lifting heavy, and cooking meals for her family. Outside of work, she is a mother of two and wife. Her family is the inspiration behind Nuvitru and continues to encourage her through everything.

Want more than just the cliff notes? Listen to episode 191 below, and if you find it helpful, please kindly leave a review and share it with a friend!

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